Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, my life has moved on a small, miniscule amount, and although I can't quite verify how, I will blog about it.

I think we're hopping around companies for gas and T.V. and elec. I also think there is something about a mortgage? (spelling??)

Kind of ties in with the theme of home. She is getting stronger and she can now make my hands bleed easily, and bite VERY hard!
She has conjunctivitis, and we have to administer drops reguarly to keep the infection at bay (Gross!). If you are a first time reader, Lizzie is my cat and you can see pictures of her here:
That is all in Lizzie I guess.

Well, that wasn't much of an update.
I have also updated my profile, if you want to see it.

Penguino Pepper.

P.S. Thanks to Cloretta and Laura for commenting!


Anonymous said...

woohoo, im in your post :D

Penguino pepper said...

Wow. That was a quick comment!!

Anonymous said...

I know :D go me!!!


Penguino pepper said...

And another quick reply!

Wow Clo, your on form!!!

Anonymous said...

lol this one is muuuuuch slower :D