Saturday, March 10, 2007

Trees, an epic tale

A trees life.

Born, and grows into a tiny sapling. Just stretching out towards the sun when... BAM! And it is carted off to be made into a piece of paper, which becomes a flier, which gets stuck through our door about some pizza place you've never heard of, giving you a free pizza!(With special rat's droppings added on, and a whisker if your lucky!). And is then sent to be recycled, and gets made into a new flier, except this time, it is about save my people, ie, save my family. You pay me, and I but more things for my family, so we don't get bored. Then it keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going.


Raivynn said...

You forgot to mention where it is turned into toilet paper and learns about the harsh realities of life.

Penguino pepper said...

Yeah, I guess I did... Oh well, these thing happen.