Sunday, March 18, 2007


Errrm... I have had a spontaneous lack of inspiration. It's kind of annoying. In fact, it's very annoying. BUT I can rant about Wind In The Willows.

1. How do a Toad, Rat, Mole and Badger speak understandable English?
2. How does a Toad get its webbed fingers on a car?
3. How does said Toad have a HUMAN butler?
4. How can a Toad DRIVE said car?
5. How does a Rat know how to row a boat?
6. How does a Toad own a house?
7. How does a Toad have money?
8. How come no-one I know has raised these questions before?

Well, I suppose that was a blog entry, of a kind.


Penguino pepper said...

Will anyone ever comment on this post?

Penguino pepper said...

Nope. They won't.