Friday, February 23, 2007

Sun is in the sky oh why, oh why would I wanna be anywhere else?

Lilly Allen's song "Sun is in the sky etc." has a lot of faults which I would like to point out.

1. I'll give you a lot of reasons why you would wanna be anywhere else.
2. It's raining,
3. I'm cold,
4. The song is repetitive,
5. The sun tends to be in the sky, it's never biting my feet is it?
6. Because your probably being aimed at my some murderer, so you should flee the country, rather than singing.
7. It's wet,
8. I'd rather listen to Eminem,
9. The icebergs are meant to be melting according to global warming, so go and live on Mars, where the icebergs aren't melting.
10. I can't think of a tenth complaint, so I'm annoyed.


1 comment:

Swinging Sammy said...

number 5 gave me a good chuckle.