Sunday, February 4, 2007

The life cycle of a plastic toy

A plastic power ranger is bought for £4.99. This is its odd life cycle.

Day 1:
Whizzes round the house destroying villains.

Day 2:
Whizzes round the house destroying more villains.

Day 3:
Walks round the house and orders a pizza to cure its depression.

Day 4:
Falls down the stairs and sleeps at the foot for the rest of the day.

Day 5:
Wishes it had brought a book, because it is very boring and painful down there being trodden on.

Day 6:
Becomes a boring toy and is destroyed by the evil kitten, LIZZIE OF DOOM!

Day 7:
Somewhere boring, and needs more pizza.

Day 8:
Dies due to lack of interest.

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